The Lidemark Observatory (LOBS)

Pictures and data produced by Lars Østergaard Andersen, Frank R. Larsen and Lars Malmgren made at LOBS
will in time be presented here.

This page is adhoc for now, but during Fall 2006, we will create a nice homepage for the observatory and our short and longterm goals.

The longterm goal is to create a semiprofesional observatory with a set of telescopes covering a range of apertures and making observation time available for both profesionals and amateurs. A major goal is to let the observatory be used by schools for hands-on lessons in observational astronomy.

Our shortterm goal is to educate ourselves by participating in observationprogrammes run by AAVSO and other programmes (like GRB afterglow measurements, and NOVA search) where pro's and amateurs collaborate.
The goal is to be able to produce fotometric observations that are precise and accurate enough for use by the Scientific community.


Juli 2006: Lars Malmgren has suggested that we built a simple spectograph. Here's a blueprint from astrosurf
Frank has the needed 50mm and 135mm collimating lenses. All we need is a quality grating.

In August 2006 we visited the Nordic Optical Telescope
Here is a presentation of the pictures and meassurements that was the result of that visit


In the last weekend of September we held a small starparty for our fellows at Astro forum. It was disturbed by the weather and we cancelled friday night observing. Daytime Saturday had fair amount of visitors and astrophysicist Michael J.D. Linden-Vørnle from the Tycho Brahe Planetarium in Copenhagen, held a very good and inspirering lecture on the amateurastronomers role in the history of astronomy - before and now. The diskussion that followed showed great interrest for a danish webportal with information on how to get started with fotometry - the spot where amateurs can supply the pro's with important data on variable stars, nova search, GRB afterglows and search for exoplanets.
We also presented for the first time to the community, the long waited images from our NOT adventure.
Here's pictures from the day event. 

Last update 2006-10-11